I am 77 years old and I ride my bike in Seattle for transportation. Every
day, I carefully plan routes to stay away from fast-moving cars. I dream
of the day when a connected network of bike routes will make the most
healthy and efficient mode of transportation safe and welcoming to
Cascade Bicycle Club’s Emerald City Ride is a unique opportunity for whole families to bike together on a short stretch of city highway without cars. Your suggestion that this ride is somehow an unethical appropriation of city funds
to “juice” the transportation levy lands like a personal slap in the face. [“Closing public road so private club can raise funds is a bad look,” Opinion, March 27]
Am I unethically misusing city streets by boldly riding my bike where only cars belong? In countries where safe routes for bicycling are provided, people choose bikes as transportation more frequently as they age. Here, where we are forced to ride next to or mixed in with fast-moving cars, I’m a rare creature indeed.
I so wish you could join me in celebrating the Emerald City Ride as a tiny and welcome step toward a healthy city for all ages.
Merlin Rainwater, Seattle
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